What is Case Consulting?


In Case Consulting you are presented with a business and are asked to help them succeed in the future.

Information on these businesses are provided in the case. This information varies for each case but will usually include a history of the business, what they do, strengths and weaknesses, market analysis and a current issue the business would like your help with.

Given the case, you and your team need to propose a strategy for your business moving forward. You need to be able to justify your strategy, based from analysis of the case or using your own knowledge outside the case. You will also provide how the strategy would be implemented by the business, and the financial impacts of the strategies.

Teams then prepare a presentation for a panel of judges where they pitch the proposed strategies. These presentations are accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation. Judges are then able to ask the team questions on their proposed strategies. In Case Consulting Competitions, teams with the best proposals for the business win.

The times for Case Consulting Competitions can vary. The typical format we use for our internal competitions is five hours for preparation and 10-minute presentation with 10 minutes for questions and answers.


Key Skills for Case Consulting:


Problem Solving


Analytical Skills
